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Work plans, budget, salaries

The Labour Inspectorate is a central national expert and competence centre in employment relationships and occupational health and safety. The task of the inspectorate is the implementation of prevention and communication measures in the field of employment, state and administrative supervision and high-quality settlement of labour disputes.
The operations of the inspectorate contribute to the creation of a safe working environment, fair employment relationships and ensuring conditions of fair competition.

The development plan of the Labour Inspectorate helps to systematically connect the mission, vision, objectives and tasks of the Labour Inspectorate as a state agency with the agency’s internal opportunities and the external environment, including to explain the objectives and needs of the agency as an organisation to its members, clients, partners, related agencies and policy-makers. The development plan is used as a basis to prepare annual work plans and establish the primary focal points of activities.
The trends of the Labour Inspectorate and the strategies selected for the implementation of activities arise from the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 and the national sustainable development strategy Sustainable Estonia 21, developed on the basis thereof in 2015.  

Wages and other remuneration 

The disclosure of wages and remunerations of public officials is coordinated by the Ministry of Finance. It also compiles staff and payroll analyses for the civil service, which provide information on key staff and pay statistics: https://www.fin.ee/riik-ja-omavalitsused-planeeringud/avalik-teenistus/personali-ja-palgastatistika 

Last updated: 30.06.2022